Edit Night Report ENR CTIO Blanco 4-m 2024-07-04

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IMPORTANT: If you want to save and continue working, click on "Save and Edit". This option DOES NOT submit and publish the report. If you finish observing and you wish to submit, publish and send the form, click on the option "Finished filling out the night report? Then click send the Night Report email".

Select the telescope you are observing with.
Date *
Please choose the date of when the night started, if filling in the next morning you have until noon before the default value of this field rolls over to the next day, if this is the case you will have to choose the day before.
E.g., 02/08/2025
Name of the person submitting the night report. If your name is not listed, please choose "other".
Please enter your email address in case we need to do followup of any problems or comments you had.
Name of your observer support.
Name of your night assistant.
If other people were present during the night.
Describe any problems you had during the night.
General comments about the night.
The total amount of hours that you have chosen for your program(s) has exceeded the amount of time that the telescope can be used. Please recheck and make sure that the total amount of hours for all your programs does not exceed the amount of hours the telescope can be used for the corresponding month.
January 7.5 hours
February 8.5 hours
March 9.5 hours
April 10.5 hours
May 11.25 hours
June 11.5 hours
July 11.25 hours
August 10.75 hours
September 10 hours
October 8.75 hours
November 7.75 hours
December 7.25 hours
Proposal Identifier or ID
Select the organisation that allocated you your time. If it is not any of the mentioned institutions then select N/A.
Time Distribution
The weather and seeing conditions during the night, please fill in for each quarter of the night.
First Quarter
Please place the fraction of the sky that was covered by clouds, where 0/8 is a clear sky, 4/8 is half of the sky covered, and 8/8 is overcast.
Second Quarter
Please place the fraction of the sky that was covered by clouds, where 0/8 is a clear sky, 4/8 is half of the sky covered, and 8/8 is overcast.
Third Quarter
Please place the fraction of the sky that was covered by clouds, where 0/8 is a clear sky, 4/8 is half of the sky covered, and 8/8 is overcast.
Fourth Quarter
Please place the fraction of the sky that was covered by clouds, where 0/8 is a clear sky, 4/8 is half of the sky covered, and 8/8 is overcast.

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