Scientific Staff Telescope and Instrument Responsibilities
Check the NOIRLab site to make sure that your favorite instrument and telescope are available before writing your proposal!
Blanco 4-m Telescope Instruments
Blanco Telescope Scientist: tabbottATctio.noao.edu
COSMOS Instrument Scientist: spointsATctio.noao.edu
DECam Instrument Scientist: awalkerATctio.noao.edu
Instrument | FOV or slit (arcmin) |
Resolving Power or Scale (arcsec/pix) |
Detector | Wavelegth range (micron) |
Status |
DECam Wide field optical imager |
132x132 | 0.263 | 62x 2048x4096 CCDs |
0.32-1.10 (grizy filters) |
Available |
COSMOS Optical Imager |
10 arcmin diameter (imaging) | 0.29 | e2v (2048x4096) | 0.32-0.98 | Available |
COSMOS Optical Spectrograph |
0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 3.0 arcsec (long slit) | ~2200 (with 0.9 arcsec slit) | e2v (2048x4096) | 0.37-0.98 | Available |
COSMOS Multi-Object Spectrograph |
5x10 arcmin (MOS) | ~2200 (with 0.9 arcsec slits) | e2v (2048x4096) |
0.37-0.98 | Available |
SOAR Instruments
See SOAR site pages:
SOAR Optical Instrumentation
SOAR Infrared Instrumentation
SMARTS Instruments
Telescope | Instrument | Slit or FOV (arcmin) | Resolving Power or scale (arcsec/pix) |
Wavelength range (micron) or Filters |
Observing Mode |
1.5-m (60-inch) |
CHIRON Spectrograph |
one star | <140,000 | 0.41-0.87 | Entirely service/queue mode. |
0.9-m (36-inch) |
Tek2K Optical imager |
13.6x13.6 | 0.401 | 0.31-1.00 | Mixture of classical and service/queue observing, each run is 7 nights duration. |
CTIO Instruments No Longer Available
CTIO Mosaic II - optical wide field imager (retired)
4-m RC Spectrograph (retired)
NEWFIRM - infrared wide field imager (transfered back to Mayall 4-m at Kitt Peak)
ISPI - IR imager (inactive)
Hydra - multi-object optical spectrograph (retired)
1.5-m R-C Spectrograph (retired)
ANDICAM - optical and infrared imager (retired)