ISPI Start-Up Procedure

Normal Startup

Check all desktops on the observers console to be sure there is NOT a "TightVNC: ispi's X desktop (ctioa9:9)" already running.

  • If there IS NOT already a "TightVNC: ispi's X desktop (ctioa9:9)" running then

    • Single click on the 'ISPI VNC' button on the left of the screen. (IF button doesn't work, then in a terminal window, at the prompt type: display_ispi). This will pop up a vnc view desktop.  The desktop will have an xload window with 4 buttons. One of these is labeled 'ArcVIEW.'
    • Single click on the 'ArcVIEW' button. This will pop up the ISPI Control GUI (with the really cool cross section view of ISPI), and an 'ArcVIEW Main Application' window.  The Application window should have two round buttons, labelled 'Connected?' that appear red.
    • On the  ISPI Control GUI, there is a white arrow icon in the upper left corner of the window. Single click on the white arrow. This arrow should now turn black. The two buttons in the Application window should turn green.
    • Minimize the Application window by clicking on the underscore '_' icon on the blue bar, in the upper right corner of each window.  You are now ready to operate ISPI.
  • If there IS already a "TightVNC: ispi's X desktop (ctio:9)" running, it can be in a couple of states:

    • There is only the gray desktop with an xload window that has  4 buttons labelled ArcVIEW, IRAF, Vacuum and terminal If this is the case:

      • Single click on the 'ArcVIEW' button. This will pop up the ISPI Control GUI (with the really cool cross section view of ISPI), and an 'ArcVIEW Main Application' window.  The Application window should have two round buttons, labelled 'Connected?' that appear red.
      • On the  ISPI Control GUI, there is a white arrow icon in the upper left corner of the window. Single click on the white arrow. This arrow should now turn black. The two buttons in the Application window should turn green.
      • Minimize the Application window by clicking on the underscore '_' icon on the blue bar, in the upper right corner of each window. You are now ready to operate ISPI.
  • The ISPI Control GUI (with the really cool cross section view of ISPI) is already displayed on the desktop. In this case, Check the color of the arrow icon in the upper left corner of the ISPI Control GUI window.

    • If the arrow is white then Single click on the white arrow. This arrow should now turn black. The two buttons in the Application window should turn green.
    • If the arrow is black then you are already ready to operate ISPI, however CHECK the 'ArcVIEW Main Application' window to see that the 'Connected?' buttons are green. If you cannot see the 'ArcVIEW Main Application' window, you can find or open it by clicking on the bar at the bottom of the VNC desktop window.

July 07, 2005; Bob Blum