Several examples are available (H, J, K). Each line of the text file corresponds to a single image written to disk. The key elements are filter changes (one filter per sequence in these examples), exposure time and coadds where exposure*coadds is the total time per image, and the resulting image is the sum of the number of coadds specified. For example, a 10 sec exposure of 3 coadds would produce one image with a total of 30 seconds. The image would be the sum of three 10 second frames. Currently Fowler samples, a type of read mode to reduce noise, are always set to 1. The offsets specify the dither pattern to use and can be either absolute or relative, the choice being made by selecting a button on the GUI itself.
See /home2/ispi/observers/ on the ISPI computer for many more example sequences. Any of these can be loaded directly into the instrument control GUI by clicking on the load button in the Sequence Control panel of the GUI. Use the dialog to navigate to the ascii text file of choice.