Fiber echelle consists of the de-comissioned Blanco Echelle spectrograph in fixed configuration connected by optical fiber to the CTIO 1.5-m telescope. The instrument was used in service mode in 2008-2010.
Spectral format: Fixed configuration covering wavelength range from 4010 to 7300 Angstroem without gaps. The order height is about 3 pixels FWHM.
Spectral resolution:
Efficiency: Estimated 1%. The star V=5 gives about 135 electrons/s in the extracted spectrum (standard slit setting 50 micron). Assuming 5-pixel height of the extracted spectrum and normal readout mode, the signal-to-noise ratio S/N near blaze maximum for exposure time t seconds and a star of magnitude V can be estimated as
S/N = Nph/sqrt(Nph + 18^2), Nph = 1.35 t 10^(-0.4V + 4)
See the plot below. Exposures longer than 20 min. are not recommended because of cosmic rays; take several exposures instead.
Detector: SITe, 2048x2048 pixels, 24-micron pixel size. Full readout in 27s (normal mode, gain 0.9 el/ADU) or 18s (fast mode, gain 3 el/ADU). Readout noise 8el (normal) and 9.5el (fast). Saturation level: 65536 counts in all modes (to be confirmed).
Comparison lamps: Thorium-Argon, Quartz (not simultaneous, light goes through the same fiber). Do not forget to take comparison exposures needed for your program!
Precise radial velocities: Iodine cell can be inserted in the beam before slit for precise radial-velolcity measurements. On bright stars, the precision can reach 3 m/s.
Entrance aperture: round, diameter 2.7 arcseconds.
Guiding: automatic, using light of the observed star falling outside entrance aperture.
Documentation: user's manual