1) During the afternoon there was a problem with M4 becoming stck when moved into the "Lamps" position. M. Martinez et al reset the motion limits on M4 to stop at value 1 instead of 0. That seemed to fix the problem. Manuel may want to comment more on this.
2) Once on the sky during the night, we went to the TS4 webpage to look at some technical information. We found that all of the original webpages written by D. James were gone. The webpages could not be found on the web server. A JIRA was sent to CISS and H. Reinking is working on the problem. Are the web pages backed up somewhere so we can restore the missing content? The web pages were there as of the last TS4 observing in Dec 2017. We did a search of the Internet Archive and found that the CTIO pages were backed up there as recently as 10 Jan 2018. The TS4 pages were in that archive. If we don't have a local backup copy, we can copy and paste the content from the Internet Archive and then fix all of the links.
3) We were having terrible pointing issues for the first couple of targets that Regis tried to acquire for training (and science). We found that if a zero-point correction is made with M2 tip-tilt active then the zero-point would be off by a considerable amount (~10 arcmin). We turned tip-tilt off for another zero-points and that seemed to fix the problem The desired targets were then easily showing up in the 4 arcmin FOV of the TS4 slit-viewing camera.
Even though there were problems, it was a good night and we acheived our training goals.
Total Times | Time Observed | Time Engineering | Time lost technical | Time lost weather | Time lost other | Total Program Time |
2018-02-28 | 2.0 | 7.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 9.5 |
Engineering and training night for TSpec4. I showed R. Cartier and J. Seron how to use the instrument to perform the zero-point, telescope focus, acquire objects and take spectra. After the engineering and training were done, we turned the telescope over to S. Silverberg for the last 2 hours of the night for his science program that starts on 01 Mar.