A CTIO Hydra User's Manual

Hydra Contacts: (all numbers are +56-9-51-205-xxx):

La Serena personnel:

David James (Hydra scientist): x358

Rolando (Rolo) Cantarutti (computer software engineer): x373

Andres Montane (mechanical engineer): x309

Mountain support:

Observer Support x400 (Mauricio Rojas)

Observer Support x422 (Hernan Tirado)

Electronicos x417 (Humberto Orrego, Javier Rojas, David Rojas, Enrique Schmidt)

For setup questions prior to your run, contact Hydra scientist David James. Once on the mountain, contact Observer Support for help. ObsSup is on call from about 11am-midnight. Call them if you need to change a tilt, a filter, open the dome, etc. The telescope responsibility is handed off from ObsSup to the night assistant around sunset. If you need to do calibrations right at sunset (and you do!), you must communicate this to ObsSup in the afternoon, otherwise they may all be at dinner just at the time