Workshop Venue

Fifty Years of Wide Field Studies in the Southern Hemisphere: Resolved Stellar Populations in the Galactic Bulge and the Magellanic Clouds

La Serena, Chile, May 06-09, 2013


Inacap La Serena

Av. Fco. de Aguirre 0389
La Serena


Nearby Places to Stay:


Hotel Costa Real
Francisco de Aguirre 170
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56 -51-22-1010
Lonely Planet Review
1.2 km away from venue, one of the top hotels in La Serena
15 single rooms (USD $140/night)
15 double rooms (USD $150/night)
Reservation code: 92612


Plaza La Serena Hotel
Avda. Fco. de Aguirre #0660
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56 -51-51-22-6913
Lonely Planet Review

700 m from conference venue, weak wifi reception, free breakfast

single room - $58.750 CLP (~120 USD)

double room - $66.550 CLP (~135 USD)

Please use the code "23122" to get these discounted rates.


Hotel Club La Serena
Avda. del Mar #1000
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56 -51-51-22-1262

1.1 km from conference venue, includes breakfast buffet and wifi, parking, bicycles, pool, welcome drink

single room - 100 USD

double room - 120 USD

Please use the code "Cerro Tololo" to get these discounted rates.

Hotel Francisco de Aguirre

Cordovez 210
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56 -51-51-22-2991
Lonely Planet Review
1.6 km from conference venue
20 single rooms (CLP $47.000/night)
20 double rooms (CLP $56.300/night)
Reservation Code: 74712


Hotel del Cid

O'Higgins 138
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56 -51-21-2692

2.5 km from conference venue
6 single rooms (CLP $42.500/night--USD $84,00)
6 double rooms (CLP $47.500/night--USD $94,00)



Hostal Acropolis

Avda. Fco. de Aguirre #0312
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56-51-21-9231

single room/private bath (CLP $31.000/night--USD $62,00)
double room/private bath (CLP $40.000/night--USD $80,00)

400 m from conference venue

single room 30,000 CLP (about 60 USD)

double room 36,000 CLP (about 80 USD)

triple room 48,000 CLP (about 100 USD)


Marina Serena Hotel Boutique

Avda. Fco. de Aguirre #0220
Region IV
La Serena, Chile
Phone: +56-51-21-9231

single room/private bath (CLP $35.000/night--USD $70,00)
double room/private bath (CLP $42.000/night--USD $84,00)

400 m from conference venue, wifi and breakfast included in price

single room 30,000 CLP (about 60 USD)

double room 42,000-45,000 CLP (about 90 USD)

triple room 50,000 CLP (about 100 USD)